Shape characteristics of viper

Viper's body color changes greatly, from head to back Gray brown to earthy red, with a black tail tip. In addition to being eaten, pit vipers also have high medical value, so some people have started to raise pit vipers and have considered raising pit vipers as a job.

The viper body is 60 to 70 cm long, with a slightly triangular head, a thin neck, and cheek pits. The head and neck area is prominent, the back is light brown to reddish brown, and there is a dark "∧" shaped spot on the back of the head. There are two rows of dark brown round spots on the main ridge, arranged slightly juxtaposed with each other. There is a row of dark brown irregular thick spots on the outside of the dorsal scales and between the ventral scales, slightly star-shaped; the ventral surface is gray and white, densely covered with tan or dark brown fine spots. The internasal scales are wide and short, arranged in a ⊥ shape; there are 2 preorbital scales, 2 (3) postorbital scales, the orbit is crescent-shaped, and the temporal scales are 2+4 (3); the upper lip scales are 2-1-4 (2-1-3). , 3-1-4) formula. The dorsal scales have 21 (23)-21-17 (15) rows, and the middlemost part is smooth or ribbed; the ventral scales are 137-173, and the anal scales are complete; the lower tail scales are 29-54 pairs, and a few are single rows. There are large symmetrical scales on the back of the head, temporary cheek pits, and two longitudinal round spots on the back of the body.

