The focus of raising the Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu (definite introduction)

The correctness of diet often affects the health of pets, so there are usually no correct habits that must be changed. For the sake of convenience, some owners put a whole day's worth of dog food on their dog's dinner plate. This is not right, especially for Shih Tzus. Why is this?

One characteristic of the Shih Tzu is that this dog does not understand drums, just like a donkey, it will eat as much as you give it. Therefore, sometimes overeating causes indigestion, which also causes great harm to the intestinal tract. Therefore, for it, it is possible to implement the principle of eating small meals frequently and controlling the diet well to maintain a good body for the dog.

Since Shih Tzu dogs have genetic diseases such as intervertebral disc disease, spondylitis, and hip dysplasia, foods that are likely to cause these diseases should be avoided as much as possible to prevent problems before they occur.

The noble-looking but lively Shih Tzu often attracts attention and is lovable, so you should also spend some time on taking care of it to make it grow healthily.

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