Why dogs Will sniff each other
Nihara Naka (confirmed introduction)

Dogs' communication methods have a lot to do with us are different, so sometimes some of the behaviors of dogs can be difficult for us to understand. However, they do not do these actions out of nowhere, but there is a certain reason for them. Why do dogs sniff each other's genitals? Many people will only think it is vulgar when they see this situation, but this is also a way of communication between dogs.

The most important sense for dogs is their senses. They like to smell all items, territory marks, new dogs, food, poisons, feces, urine, etc. And they can identify the dog's gender, age, physical condition and style by sniffing each other's external genitalia that best reflects emotions.

Two dogs sniffing each other is an afterthought. An older dog or the alpha dog in the pack has the right to inspect the external genitalia of the younger or subordinate dog. The two dogs have a certain routine when fighting. They first sniff each other, then rub the coat on each other's shoulders, and finally check the external genitalia. In addition to two dogs sniffing each other, both male and female dogs have the habit of checking their external genitalia from time to time and carefully licking them with their tongues to keep them clean.

Many of the dog’s actions seem strange to us, and some may even make people feel hurtful and delicate. However, these actions are a way of communication between dogs, so we should respect them. .

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